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Startseite Gregor Czisch

Supergrid for Renewables

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In Europe storage systems exist with relatively high rated power and storage capacities.

The annual production of the storage hydropower within our supply area is 15% of its demand. So it is slightly higher than the lack of energy from the considered wind power production and so more than enough to compensate the lack of energy.

But the 96 GW rated power of the storage hydropower plants is too small to compensate the lack of power. The difference is still 120 GW.

There are many possibilities to get the necessary backup power. One is to enlarge the rated power at the reservoirs as it sometimes is done to provide peak load capacity. Another way is to use thermal units which could also could be fired by Biomass.

Verantwortlich: G. Czisch; Gestaltung: C. Budig, G. Czisch, W. Flemming